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Afghan Kush Cannabis Strain Profile

All strains / Cannabis / How to choose / Hybrid / Indica / Sativa / THC / June 7, 2021

As a solid Indica cannabis strain, Afghan Kush is one any consumer can reliably look towards for effects that focus on the body and keep mental stimulation to a minimum. Most consumers may find this strain to be overpowering in terms of sedation and it’s definitely a strain that one should avoid for early morning to midday use. Quite frankly, it’s one of the best strains to use when you have nothing pressing to do soon.

Afghan Kush


Strain: 100% Indica

As a native or landrace cannabis strain, Afghan Kush can be traced back to the Amu Darya River Valley. This strain is believed to be one of the foundational strains from which all modern Indica strains have been propagated.

Afghan Kush is one of the best strains to look to for a significant body high, relief from afflictions affecting the body, and hashish processing. This strain has been a longstanding go-to for all things somatic and it is considered one of the original “hash plants”. Having come to enjoy greater popularity in recent years, this train is more notorious than ever and we see no signs of that trend slowing down.

THC Content: Average 21%

CBD Content: 6%

Afghan Kush is a high-quality strain with both a considerable amount of THC concentration as well as CBD. This combination of compounds in the strain ensures it is one of the best available for both relaxation in a recreational capacity and relief in a medicinal context.

As a full-fledge Indica, this strain will be able to address a significant number of body ailments, but it will also put most people out of commission when it comes to completing day-to-day tasks. As a heavy-hitter and example of what couch lock really means in the truest sense. Do not use this strain when life obligations require you to be functional and crisp. Reserve using Afghan Kush for nighttime hours and enjoy a rejuvenating night’s rest.

While the moderately high level of THC in this strain will rule out novice smokers from partaking, the inclusion of a moderate amount of CBD will help soften the edges of this strain’s effects.

Fragrance: Kush, Spicy, Sweet, Earthy

The aromas associated with Afghan Kush will no doubt include the characteristic Kush scent. However, this strain also includes earthy, sweet, and spicy notes.

Flavors: Spicy, Pine, Herbal

While the Kush character does come through in the flavors of the plant, they are not as pronounced as the aroma. Consumers will find the addition of sweet and woody notes as well as spicy, herbal, and piney characteristics.

Most Common Uses: Chronic Pain Relief, Fatigue, Migraines, Insomnia

Being a heavy Indica strain, Afghan Kush will dependably sedate and relax the user. This comes with an abundance of general wellness benefits for those suffering from fatigue and stress. Even if you are just having trouble getting a good night’s sleep, this strain can be a blessing when it comes to putting you to bed for uninterrupted rest. That only reinforces the earlier sentiment that Afghan Kush should be reserved for use as an evening strain.

When it comes to the medicinal benefits of this strain, many users report its uncanny ability to ease the symptoms of anxiety, chronic pain and inflammation, depression, fatigue, and insomnia.

Side Effects: Drowsiness, Dry Mouth, Dry Eyes

Indica strains are known for focusing their effects on the body, rather than the mind. In this case, consumers should be aware of the potent effects strain exhibits. At times, the sedative component of Afghan Kush can be overpowering and really leave one down for the count. So, be prepared to contend with drowsiness and extreme couch lock with this strain. Otherwise, the more common side effects one will likely content with will emerge in the form of dry eyes and dry mouth.


Afghan Kush is a hardy strain and will thrive in several adverse conditions. This means it’s a great contender for new and experienced growers alike. Replicating the unique climate of the Hindu Kush mountain range will provide the ideal conditions for this strain to thrive in, though it’s not necessarily essential for a successful crop.

Being resilient to mold, fungus, and pests, this strain is rather low-maintenance, too. Just give it what it needs to thrive, as in good soil, air circulation, temperature, and humidity, and you’ll be rewarded with bountiful harvests of up to 20 ounces or more per plant.

Final Thoughts on Afghan Haze

Afghan Kush is a notorious strain for good reason. It is widely believed to be the foundation for the majority of Indica and Kush strains. This makes it a good choice for growers of every ambition and experience level as well as a favorite among consumers who prefer a body-focused high.

The effects this strain imparts both from a recreational and a medical standpoint have garnered it a huge following. It can reliably produce relief and many consumers find its level of potency to be both manageable and potent enough to overcome moderate tolerance.

Afghan Kush is a reliable strain for cultivation. It has an excellent ability to bounce back from adverse conditions and has a striking resilience against pests and pathogens. Add to this the fact that plants can produce considerable yields and it is clear Afghan Kush is a top contender for growing operations regardless of experience level.

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